Tummy Tuck

Pasadena Plastic Surgery
Michael Schwartz, MD
Cosmetic Surgeon & Facial Plastic Surgeon located in Pasadena, CA
Do you feel unhappy with your body because of excess skin or fat in your tummy area? If you’re frustrated because all the sit-ups in the world don’t seem to make your stomach any flatter, a tummy tuck procedure may be right for you. Michael Schwartz, MD, at Pasadena Plastic Surgery in Pasadena, California, is a board-certified facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon with extensive training and experience performing abdominoplasty, also known as the tummy tuck. To learn more, book your consultation online or by phone today.
Tummy Tuck Q & A
What is a tummy tuck?
A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a type of plastic surgery designed to enhance the shape and contour of your abdominal area. During the procedure, Dr. Schwartz removes excess skin and fat and tightens connective tissue, resulting in a more defined appearance of the stomach area.
Am I a good candidate for a tummy tuck?
The procedure is popular with women following pregnancy, and with both men and women who have lost significant amounts of weight or who wish to have a firmer, flatter stomach for any reason.
It’s likely you’re a good candidate for a tummy tuck if you:
- Have reached a stable weight
- Are in good overall health
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle
- Aren’t planning to become pregnant in the future
- Have a BMI under 30
A consultation with Dr. Schwartz can help verify that you’re a good candidate for plastic surgery. Dr. Schwartz performs a physical exam, take a detailed health history, and discuss your concerns in order to determine if a tummy tuck is the best procedure to achieve your body contouring goals.
What happens during a tummy tuck procedure?
Dr. Schwartz is a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience performing tummy tuck surgery safely, with stunning results. A tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia in a surgical setting.
Usually, Dr. Schwartz begins the process with liposuction to remove fat deposits. Next, he removes excess skin and tightens your abdominal muscles. Dr. Schwartz is skilled with the most innovative techniques, so he creates a natural and attractive belly button, and well-hidden, small incisions.
What is recovery like after a tummy tuck?
You can expect pain, swelling, and drainage, and you’ll need to wear a compression garment for several weeks following your surgery. The team at Pasadena Plastic Surgery makes sure you have pain medication and detailed instructions for at-home care during your recovery. Most of the time, people can resume normal activities about six weeks after their tummy tuck surgery.
To find out more about how Dr. Schwartz performs tummy tuck procedures, or to schedule a consultation, call Pasadena Plastic Surgery or book an appointment online today.